About HAN
Created in 2007, the Hospice Action Network (HAN) brings together the hospice and palliative care community to speak with a unified voice. HAN is the 501(c)(4) affiliation of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). NHPCO and HAN work closely together to make an impact. NHPCO sets the public policy priorities through its Legislative Affairs Committee. HAN carries out advancing those priorities through direct lobbying, grassroots advocacy, and by empowering Hospice Advocates.
As a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, HAN can advocate for policies that protect and expand access to the Medicare Hospice Benefit. Our mission at HAN is to advocate, with one voice, for policies that ensure the best care for patients and families facing serious illness and the end of life.
Our Agenda and Activities
HAN maintains an ongoing and influential presence in Washington DC, ensuring key policymakers understand and appreciate the importance and value of hospice and palliative care. Our expert policy team and lobbyists work directly with Congress, the Administration, and other stakeholders to promote polices that expand access and enhance patient and family care while combatting threats to reimbursement and burdensome regulations. Our advocates engage at all levels of the legislative and regulatory process, creating a strong and vibrant community.
We fight for better hospice and palliative care policies by:
Expanding an ongoing and influential presence in Washington, DC

Mobilizing a network of Hospice Advocates throughout the nation

Empowering an interactive community connecting the public with Hospice Advocacy

Cultivating relationships with the media to highlight issues impacting end-of-life care

Join as a HAN Membership Organization
Organizations that contribute to HAN receive a seat on the HAN Board, which confers priority access to important information and input to the HAN policy, grassroots, and political strategy. Our current members represent a cross-section of our community—including non-profit, for-profit, urban, rural, big, and small programs. The diversity of our membership strengthens our voice.
HAN Leadership and Staff
Hospice Action Network
1731 King Street, Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314
Telephone: 703-837-1500
Fax: 703-837-1233
email: info@nhpcohan.org