Hospice Action Week 2023
Every year, hospice and palliative care advocates from across the nation and representing every piece of our unique healthcare model gather in Washington, D.C. to meet with Congressional office about key policy priorities.
From CEOs and state association leaders to physicians and nurses to volunteers and family caregivers, our advocates represent a united voice on Capitol Hill.

Hospice Action Week 2023
70+ Hospice Advocates on the Hill
- From across the full spectrum of providers, caregivers, and beneficiaries of hospice and palliative care.
- Representing 28 states across the nation.
- Speaking to lived experience and expertise
Hospice Action Week 2023
130+ Congressional Offices Visited
- 46 Senate offices
- 84 Representative offices
- Meeting with members of all political parties
- Engaging with hospice champions
- Meeting with and educating new members’ offices
Hospice Action Week 2023
4 Policy Priority Asks
- Support for community-based palliative care through a CMS demonstration model
- Support for program integrity oversight
- Improved, sustainable Medicare payment policy
- Building the hospice workforce to ensure quality care

Resources from Hospice Action Week 2023
Policy One-Pagers
Talking Points
News Coverage from Hospice Action Week 2023
- NHPCO Press Release, “Hospice Advocates Bring their Voices to Washington, DC“
- HAN Blog, “Hospice Action Week 2023: Advocates Unite on Capitol Hill”
- Hospice News, “Lawmakers, Providers Seek Collaboration to Strengthen Hospice Program Integrity“
- Hospice News, “Solutions That Make Sense: Why Hospice Benefit Reform Needs to Incorporate Concurrent Care“
- Hospice News, “Hospices, Lawmakers Target Medication Cost Reductions“
- Hospice News, “Hospices Seek Congressional Action on Staffing Constraints“
When is the next Hospice Action Week?
- The 2024 Hospice Action Week in Washington, D.C. will take place June 10-13! Email Grassroots Advocacy Manager, Stephanie Marburger (smarburger@nhpco.org) for more information!
What can I do before the next Hospice Action Week to support HAN advocacy and policy priorities?
- Sign up as a HAN advocate today! You’ll get regular policy updates, action alert emails, resources, and more.
- Take Action on the HAN Action Center to connect your legislators with current hospice and palliative care policy priorities.
- Follow HAN on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay on the loop as policy priorities develop and we plan for next year.
- Learn about our MyHospice Ambassador program.