House Introduces Hospice Integrity Legislation

On February 10, the House of Representatives introduced the “HOSPICE” Act to address issues related to hospice program integrity. See below for NHPCO’s public statement on this legislation: For Immediate Release:February 10, 2020 NHPCO Releases Statement on House Program Integrity Legislation (Alexandria, VA) – Today the House of Representatives introduced the “Helping Our Senior Population in…


My Hospice: Greg’s Story

What My Hospice means is different to each staff member, patient, and family we serve. For Greg, it means an opportunity to honor Veterans. A defining moment for me was when I recognized the vital importance and rewarding experience the We Honor Veterans program is to our local Veterans.  One of our volunteers was providing…


We Are Hospice Event on Capitol Hill

On January 15, NHPCO hosted “We Are Hospice”, a resource fair to educate lawmakers and their staff about the value of person-centered care and celebrate the hospice community. The event was cosponsored by the Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care and 10 hospice care providers and community partners participated including AAHPM, HPNA, SWPHN, Pet Peace…


RAH Update – CBO Score!

We recently got some great news: the Congressional Budget Office estimates that implementing the Rural Access to Hospice Act would only cost $5 million over ten years. While that sounds like a lot of money to us normal folks, in the scheme of the United States budget, that is not a lot of money. That…


My Hospice: Emily’s Story

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For Emily, it means a family connection. As Medicare’s first coordinated care model, we must protect the services received in hospice through the Medicare Hospice Benefit. I grew up knowing what hospice is. My aunt Kathy, who was like a second mom…


My Hospice: Joan’s Story

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For Joan, a Care Dimensions patient, it meant the opportunity to attend a New England Patriots game and cheer for her favorite team at their home field one last time. When Joan McLynch was admitted to Care Dimensions hospice care for complications from her…


My Hospice Ambassador Spotlight: Teddi Anderson

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For My Hospice Ambassadors, like Teddi Anderson, it means acting as a leader in their state to support Medicare’s first coordinated care model and protect the Medicare Hospice Benefit. My Hospice Ambassadors are hospice and palliative care professionals with an interest in advocacy who…


My Hospice: Carol’s Story

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For Carol, it means spending time with beloved cats, even when she can no longer take care of her own pet. As Medicare’s first coordinated care model, we must protect the services like pet therapy under the Medicare Hospice Benefit for patients…


My Hospice: Carl’s Story

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For Carl, it meant sharing Christmas with his family and giving them gifts, and his hospice team at ViaQuest made that possible. As Medicare’s first coordinated care model, we must protect the services like those Carl received in hospice through the Medicare…


My Hospice Ambassador Spotlight: Bri Santarsieri

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For My Hospice Ambassadors, like Bri Santarsieri, it means acting as a leader in their state to support Medicare’s first coordinated care model and protect the Medicare Hospice Benefit. My Hospice Ambassadors are hospice and palliative care professionals with an interest in advocacy who…