My Hospice Ambassador Spotlight: Emily Baehr

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For My Hospice Ambassadors, like Emily Baehr, it means acting as a leader in their state to support Medicare’s first coordinated care model and protect the Medicare Hospice Benefit. My Hospice Ambassadors are hospice and palliative care professionals with an interest in advocacy who…


My Hospice: Cheryl’s Story

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For Cheryl, it meant being able to be there to witness her son’s graduation while receiving hospice care from Care Dimensions. As Medicare’s first coordinated care model, we must protect the services like those Cheryl received in hospice through the Medicare Hospice…


My Hospice Ambassador Spotlight: Kelly Coons

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For My Hospice Ambassadors, like Kelly Coons, it means acting as a leader in their state to support Medicare’s first coordinated care model and protect the Medicare Hospice Benefit. My Hospice Ambassadors are hospice and palliative care professionals with an interest in advocacy who…


NHPCO and HAN Share a Message of Sympathy Upon the Death of Representative Elijah Cummings

For Immediate Release: October 17, 2019 (Alexandria, Va) – The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and the Hospice Action Network extend deepest sympathies to the family, friends, colleagues and constituents of Representative Elijah Cummings who died today in Baltimore, at the age of 68. A native and long-time resident of Baltimore, Rep. Cummings was an eight term Congressman representing Maryland’s…


My Hospice Round Up: Going Above & Beyond

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. This month, we asked the #MyHospice community to share stories about how hospice goes above and beyond to provide quality care for patients and their loved ones. See some of their responses below: “I have volunteered for many years for our local…


My Hospice: Marie’s Story

What My Hospice means is different to each individual and family we serve. For Marie Barbagallo, it meant being able to see her daughter get married before she died. As Medicare’s first coordinated care model, we must protect the services provided for patients like Marie through the Medicare Hospice Benefit. As if on cue, the…


Medicare Could Save Millions by Addressing Racial Disparities in Hospice

According to a 2019 study, closing the gap in hospice utilization between White and racial/ethnic minority populations would result in cost savings of an estimated $2,105 per Medicare hospice beneficiary, which translates to approximately $270 million annually. Particularly, Medicare spends around 20% more on Black and Hispanic people than White people in their last year…